Lauren and Cyrus love Aspen and particularly the Grottos Trail. I was so excited to meet them there because it was my first time visiting Aspen, and it certainly won’t be my last!
Grottos Trail is in White River National Forest near Independence Pass (one of the craziest roads I’ve ever driven on!). As you drive through the mountains you see forests full of Aspen trees. When my husband and I pulled to the side of the road to take in the view before the photo session, we could hear the rushing river. In the forest, trails take you through the woods, over a bridge and to the large rock formations with cascading waterfalls. It is so beautiful.
The Grottos were formed by rushing water from the Roaring Fork River that slows down to a gentle stream where Cyrus actually carried Lauren into the water!

Lauren shares, “I have always told Cyrus that our life together is a big book with colorful and beautiful pages. We frequently use our book analogy for chapters of our life together, here is a peek inside:
Chapter 1, You can fall in love in the club
In September 2013, I traveled to Dallas, Texas, from Norman, Oklahoma, to celebrate a good friend’s birthday. We decided that we wanted to go dancing, and I had never experienced a dance club, so we went to Avenu—a local dance club. Cyrus, living in Dallas and working for his family company, was in for just another fun night out with some of his closest friends. Within just a few minutes after walking through the doors I saw a tall, dark and handsome man walking toward me. We danced the night away and exchanged numbers, but both thought that we may never have the chance to meet again as we lived in different states. Cyrus always recalls the story of the following day after we met. He says that he remembers taking a long drive and reflecting that he now had a crush, a feeling that he had not felt since high school. Really, the rest is history and I still joke to this day that “all Avenu’s led me to Cyrus.”
Chapter 5, Dallas
On our very first date, Cyrus naturally wanted me to really like visiting Dallas. I would always wonder why we would take one specific beautiful road that seemed to lead us everywhere. Little did I know Cyrus would strategically take us on that road (even in the wrong direction at times) to see the prettiest pocket of Dallas each time. Speaking of Dallas, we cannot go without mentioning State Thomas neighborhood, it has always been a gem to us in the hustle of Uptown. It’s brick-lined streets and neighborhood feel gave it just the right amount of charm to stake claim on a townhome. Our love of walking to our favorite coffee shop, park and, last but not least, sushi restaurant is what connects us together frequently throughout our week. State Thomas is where we have truly made our house a home, filled with themed parties, family and many sweet memories.
Chapter 10, Travels
We both feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel the world together. In just 7 years we have traveled together to 14 states, 9 countries and counting! Of course, we have gathered a few favorite places over the years that have become special to us. I don’t think we get through many conversations of talking about our travels without mentioning our love for watching the sunrise over the ocean in Tulum, our time of lengthening our trip last minute to soak in and experience Mallorca, sleepless nights roaming the streets of NYC or canyoneering in Zion National Park. Both of us feel a distinct energy while traveling that has us hooked on always planning the next adventure together.
Chapter 20, Aspen
Aspen has quickly become one of our favorite destinations. After our first trip there together, Cyrus thought “this is the spot” to propose. One morning in September we both hopped in the car to drive to hike our favorite spot, the Grottos Trail. We packed up a little bag and headed up to the Grottos. As soon as we arrived, we set up our spot with a blanket to enjoy the sunny summer day. Cyrus quickly told me that he needed to show me something… We both walked over to a tree-filled area where he then handed me his iPad, making me thoroughly confused. Then, he proceeded to press play on a video he had put together of pictures throughout our 6-year relationship while reading me commentary alongside of it. At the end, I got to look over and see Cyrus down on one knee saying, “will you marry me?” He got the immediate answer of “yes!!!” We celebrated this special moment by “taking the plunge” into the freezing cold water of the river that runs through the Grottos. Now Aspen is forever special to the two of us!
Chapter 21, Let’s Get Married!”

Lauren and Cyrus, thank you for sharing one of your favorite places with me.
Congratulations, you two!
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