The charming town of Golden, Colorado, is a former gold rush area at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Clear Creek runs through it and it is a special place to Kate and Bill, who actually live nearby! We walked along Clear Creek and through the preserved area of Golden History Park with buildings from a late 1800s mountain ranch.

Kate shares, “Bill and I had hung with the same friend group for a number of years. He and I always got along really well. One New Year’s Eve, we shared our first kiss. Bill and I began spending a lot more time together, away from the rest of the group. I started having a few girlfriends (and my mother) ask me how I felt about Yates, as he is known to our friends.
I was very nervous about coming between our well-established friendship and tried to ignore that he was doing his best to “woo” me for the better part of a year. I finally took the leap and everything else is history. We dove right in, moving in together almost immediately. We spent a lot of time talking about what a positive and happy relationship meant to us and were incredibly honest with each other. We have a huge amount of respect for each other as individuals and as a couple. I think that is what makes us so strong together. I only want the best for Bill and our future together and, because of that, he pushes me to be the best version of myself more than I ever thought was possible.”

Bill proposed on New Year’s Eve. Kate continues, “We decided to go out to eat as a break from packing boxes (we were in the process of moving). After some tasty Mexican and a couple margaritas, we headed home to continue the packing process. I was putting on pajamas when Bill called me into the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, he pointed me towards this adorable little box on the counter and told me to open it. Still completely oblivious as to what was going on, I opened the box and I’m pretty sure I said something very profound like, “Um, this is a ring…” Bill asked me if I would be his wife. I said yes through lots of happy tears. Half-packed boxes, messy hair, pajamas, in the kitchen, completely unaware of his intentions…It couldn’t have been more perfect.
Bill and I couldn’t be happier. I consider him my best friend and am incredibly thankful for the unique and wonderful relationship we share.”

These two will be getting married in September of 2020. Happy engagement Kate and Bill!
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