Elle and Sheldon love Colorado. They traveled from Texas for their wedding and I met them at Lookout Mountain to celebrate their engagement. Their laughs were infectious and their love was palpable.
I had so much fun with you guys!

Elle shares, “We met on a dating app! It was that good ole TINDER, love and care! Our first date was actually at one of the most amazing places ever….Chick-fil-A! Who would have thought we were a chicken sandwich away from falling in love?”
She continues, “Sheldon planned the most AMAZING proposal EVER! He planned a trip to Cali for us in the spring of 2018. We had anticipated our trip for months! He told me he planned a romantic date night and picked out a red dress for me to wear (I never wear red). It was around 7 or 8pm and we headed to downtown LA for our dinner date. We finally make it downtown, and I said, “WOW, the Intercontinental building, can you imagine if we went there?” Sheldon smiled and said, “I can imagine it.” Seconds later we pulled into the Intercontinental parking garage! Talk about MAJOR butterflies; I couldn’t believe it!
Of course, I had the BIGGEST smile on my face. We headed up to the 71st floor to a restaurant called La Boucherie! My jaw dropped; this place is FANCY! The host took us back to a private section where we wined and dined on lobster and other fancy stuff! I was shaking and just anticipating something crazy to happen (like being proposed to)…but NOTHING! Dinner ended and we left. I just knew he was going to propose after bringing me to a place like that but NOOOO! I was slightly bummed, but still on cloud 9. We drove off and he said we have one more stop!
We drove to the brightest place in downtown LA, “Urban Light.” I was walking around like a big kid amazed at all the lights and feeling grateful to be experiencing something new with my best friend. Sheldon asked if I wanted to take pictures and, of course, I did! I’m a woman! He suggested so many poses, and I was like oooookaaaaay yaaassss I love all of these ideas. Then he said, “take one from the back.” Of course, my response was, “oh yeah, you’d like that huh.” LOL
I took my shots, turned around to check out my masterpiece, and there he was on one knee. People were applauding, and I noticed a photographer taking photos of everything; even my ugly cry! It was absolutely magical!”

Congratulations Elle and Sheldon!
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