If you choose to have a wedding party, which most people do, your bridesmaids and groomsmen are so important! They are family or friends who mean the most to you and who you want to celebrate with closely. There are many responsibilities that come along with this that usually include: help planning the wedding, shower, bachelor and bachelorette party, go to fittings, wear specific attire, provide support, get ready together on the wedding day, give a toast, help with emergencies, contribute to the festivities by socializing and dancing, attend all the wedding events and help the couple with anything they need.

I have a few suggestions for how the wedding party can also help with your photography.
There are a few things that can be so helpful to assign to specific members of your party to make sure they are taken care of and help you be prepared on the wedding day.
1. The Getting Ready Organizer: Ask someone to be in charge of the getting ready room. The beginning of the day can be hectic with many moving parts and everyone trying to get ready. Ask someone to help keep things organized: everyone’s bags all in a closet, water bottles all in one area, champagne ready if you want to do a toast photo, and generally tidying up so that the space looks clean and nice for photos.
Furthermore, this person can help with items to be photographed. Make sure your dress is hung on a nice hanger, steamed and ready to be photographed and put on. Also, have your shoes, jewlery, stationery suite, bouquet, and veil out and ready to be photographed and put on. All tags removed, and ready to go. And towels ready to dry the end of your bouquet, which will most likely be sitting in water to keep it fresh.

2. The First Look Coordinators: Choose one bridesmaid and one groomsmen, it can be best if they know each other. These two people will be in charge of keeping the two of you from seeing each other until it is time. They can call each other while you are traveling to a location or walking through a venue to make sure you don’t run into each other. They will also help guide you to the first look location. If you have a really small wedding party, you may only need one person.
3. Beauty and Stylist Attendant: Help the bride on the wedding day by managing her train, particularly when walking and when she gets down the aisle during the ceremony. Help her fluff and arrange the train for photos, along with the veil. Be in charge of the dress bustle, you may need to watch a video and practice bustling and make sure the bustle is done right before the reception begins for dancing. Along with the dress duties, provide makeup touch-ups throughout the event, ensure she looks her best throughout the day by reapplying lipstick, powdering her face, or fixing any smudges that may occur. It’s also a good idea to have bobby pins and hair spray handy throughout the night for fly-aways and safety pins or body tape for adjustments.
4. Hydration Attendant: The air is so dry in Colorado, it is so helpful to have a friend in charge of hydration. Get the couple water right after before and right after the ceremony and while they are taking portraits, bring them a cocktail before toasts, and bring them water on the dance floor.
5. Your Phone Holder: You really don’t want to be on your phone on your wedding day. This person can hold your phone for you. Answer calls or texts if they really need to, but also use your phone to snap a few photos and videos that you get to take home with you. This shouldn’t distract them from the ceremony, but can be really fun for a few snaps at the cocktail hour and reception.
This person could also be in charge of helping you make a quick video or facetiming with any really important guests who could not attend. I have seen couple’s record short 30 second videos for their grandparents. The Phone Holder can remind you to record these and even send them for you.
These are just some ideas I like to recommend. One person could be in charge of more than one thing.
Don’t forget that you also have some responsibilities to your wedding party. You should give your wedding party clear communication about the wedding plans with plenty of time for making arrangements, sharing information about costs and expectations, ensure they feel included in the process by asking for their input, help them with any tasks related to the wedding planning (like helping with the bridal shower), and most importantly, give them a thoughtful thank you gift to show appreciation for their support throughout the process.

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