I met the Deschenes family at the Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge for a mini family photo session. It was a beautiful day! Their kids were full of sweet hugs and giggles.

Trish shares, “My husband Andrew and I met in Arizona almost 15 years ago! We decided to expand our family there with two Boston Terrier puppies. Lilly and Lucy were our first babies and instantly filled our souls with love. In 2009, we moved to Colorado to start a new adventure and immediately knew why people love it here so much. We quickly became acclimated, found jobs and wonderful friends. We had a destination wedding in San Diego in September of 2013–who doesn’t love the beach, right?! Fast forward…we now have two incredible children, Joey (5) and Addie (1.5). We are beyond blessed, they are truly wonderful kids. Our hearts and home are filled with love, two kids, two dogs, a lizard and a fish! We love to explore Colorado, visit mountain towns, ride our beach cruisers to nearby restaurants and play outside.

The holidays are a very special time for us as we spend time with those we love, and our kids especially love to be spoiled by their grandparents. Once we had a family of our own, we wanted to start our own holiday traditions and spend Christmas at our house in Colorado. We typically spend every holiday with Andrew’s parents… this year will be different because of the pandemic. This will be our first year without the grandparents, although we will continue our traditions, extending from mine and Andrew’s childhood. The kids will wake up to a cozy Christmas morning breakfast and presents under the tree. Their favorite part is when they hear the Christmas song by Nat King Cole which signifies that it’s time to open presents. We will spend the day playing with our gifts, cuddled up on the couch watching holiday movies and cooking a big Christmas dinner. We will miss having a big family celebration, but are excited to create new memories and special moments with the simplicity of just us.”

If you are interested in booking a family photo session please check out my website.


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brainard lake colorado

I met Anna and Jim at Brainard Lake for their engagement session. We walked along the lake, played with their sweet pup, Abe, saw an eagle and moose and celebrated their relationship.

brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography

Anna shares, “I used to work at a local brewery as an events planner, marketing manager and occasional bartender. During my shifts behind the bar, I noticed a tall man with a charming southern accent who came in often. Most Boulderites who frequent breweries wear flat brim hats and Grateful Dead T-shirts, so I was intrigued by this very well-dressed unicorn of a man who worked in finance. It helped that this man, whose name I came to learn was Jim, was best friends with my friend Kris–a manager of mine from my first job in Boulder.

Jim and Kris came in regularly and sat at the bar. Despite many months of what I thought was extremely overt flirting, Jim somehow never got it. Eventually I just asked him out and he said yes.”

brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography

Anna continues, “Two weeks into us seeing each other, I had massive knee surgery and my parents came into town to help take care of me. Jim sweetly brought over a puzzle and was brave enough to come inside and meet my parents even though WE hardly knew each other. (Jim is unlikely to turn down a Gin & Tonic.) A few weeks later, we took an impromptu trip to San Francisco while I was still in an ankle to thigh leg brace. We had a blast eating, drinking and exploring California. From there, things progressed fairly quickly. Admittedly, I was ready to dive in headfirst. I was confident this was the guy I was going to end up with.

We got engaged May 1st of this year. PEAK quarantine. Earlier in the week, Jim suggested that we do something together “just us.” After weeks of being locked inside the house just us, I thought it was a hilarious suggestion. I enjoyed his company nonetheless and was up for more isolated plans.

That day, I got home from a Target run in what I later learned was Jim’s least favorite item of clothing I owned. Jim suggested I “changed for our walk,” because there “might be a photo op.” I was slightly offended and mildly suspicious. We ventured out with our dog for a stroll. I was irritated because Jim wasn’t listening to me and texting on his phone the entire walk. Once we emerged from the woods into the open space in our neighborhood, Jim bent his knee, said a bunch of sweet things I can’t remember because I was blubbering, and asked me to make an honest man out of him. We hugged and cried and then had a champagne picnic in the park. Every time we take that walk, we have an even more special connection to our home, neighborhood and the love that will continue to grow there.”

brainard lake colorado, engagement photography
brainard lake colorado, engagement photography

The happy couple is getting married next summer. Happy engagement Anna and Jim!

Finding a creative outlet has been so important to me this year.

Carley and Kristi are beautiful, professional dancers who have not been able to perform since the pandemic outbrake in March. Also, I have not been working in the same way I have in past years, as large events and gatherings have been postponed or greatly downsized. It was such a gift to collaborate with them on this photo session. The juxtaposition of their strength and grace against the massive rock formations feels like a metaphor for the year. 

red rocks, colorado, dance

I love dance. I am primarily a wedding photographer, but when I have the chance to photograph some gorgeous dancers I get so excited! I took ballet, tap, jazz and musical theater classes growing up and theater is one of my great loves. During the pandemic, it has been heartbreaking (but so necessary) to see theaters close and so many performers feel uncertain about what comes next. If you are able, please consider donating to Dance NYC or helping to support the arts in any way you can. 

denver dance photographer
dance colorado
red rocks rainbow

Special thanks to my dear friend @carleymar_hello and to @kristianndances for sharing your talent with me.
Note: masks were worn throughout the photo session and social distancing was observed.


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I met the Wise Family at City Park in Denver to enjoy the beautiful fall foliage and capture some family photos. We had so much fun! Their young boys loved running through the tall grass and searching for the brightest yellow leaves.

denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park

Their mom shares, “Fall is one of the reasons why our family loves Colorado so much.  Our boys are just old enough now where we can pile them in the car and go on a family adventure. We drive until we find a new place we want to explore. And we always bring our dog Louie who I think is always the most excited to go!”

denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park
denver family photographer, city park

The hugs between these brothers were just soooo sweet!

Happy fall!


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This year we are indoor trick-or-treating at decorated doors throughout Grammy and Gramp’s house, carving a pumpkin and eating way too much candy!

Happy halloween from my family to yours! 


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