Ollie turned three years old on March 26! It was a cold, rainy day that we spent inside playing with his brand new train set and eating ice cream with sprinkles!
Soooo… his birthday photos were taken a little late, but still worth sharing. We went to the Evergreen Lake House to hike and have fun with some balloons.

Ollie is sweet and silly and crazy. Full of giggles. Likes to ask “why?” He knows his alphabet. He likes to read 2 books and sing ABCs and twinkle twinkle before bed. He loves to dance. He is TALL! He says yep and nope. He is stubborn and gets frustrated. He likes to be independent, but will ask for help when he needs it (mostly!). He is mischievous and loves to play. He loves trains, cars, garbage trucks, blocks, submarines, octopus, dinosaurs, Mickey Mouse, buzz lightyear, balloons, airplanes, spaceships and play doh.
He loves fruit especially oranges, strawberries and grapes. He also loves ice cream, jelly beans, sprinkles, lollipops and chocolate. He does not like cake and just wants the frosting.
He melts my hearts when he tells me I’m his best friend (he tells daddy the same thing).
He makes us laugh when he says:
Alien = “Anenen”
Octopus = “opopus”
Elephant = “elfanent”
School = “skeeeew”
Banana = “baNAna”
Helicopter = “hepipopper”

We ended the shoot by asking Ollie to give his brother a hug. He is very excited to be a big brother! Life is about to change for him BIG TIME!
Happy birthday sweetie pie!
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