I met Sarah and Zach on a beautiful fall day in Evergreen, Colorado. The Aspen trees were just beginning to turn yellow, the air was crisp and we had so much fun!

Sarah shares, “I got really lucky in how I met Zach. I was hanging out with some friends, and one was going through her matches on Ok Cupid. Zach had sent her a message and, for some reason, she wasn’t interested. I told her she was crazy since he was clearly a great guy – he was goal oriented, loved dogs, enjoyed reading, and was very cute. Five minutes later, she was sending him my number. I thought there was no chance he would text me (after all, he had no idea who I was!), but a couple hours later, he reached out. Two days later, we went on our first date.

Zach continues, “Our first date was great. We met up for dinner and I was immediately taken aback. Sarah had an air of confidence and purpose that was magnetic. Our conversation was natural, and we ended up extending the evening to meet up with some of her friends for drinks. The connection was clearly there from the start, and we were together regularly from that point forward.”

COVID definitely complicated the proposal. Zach shares, “I knew for months beforehand that I wanted to propose, but there was something missing: a ring. I had a custom design made, but due to the shutdowns, companies were unable to physically make the ring. So, for several months I bounced between different people trying to get the ring made. Finally, I found someone local who got the ring built and stone set. From there, everything was very simple. The best piece of advice I received was to write out my thoughts beforehand. Even though I knew the answer, I had never been so nervous! When the moment came I gave her flowers, told her several (of the many) things I love about her, then got down on one knee and asked. I had planned a weekend getaway, so we shared the news with our parents, then went up to the mountains.

Sarah adds, “While the plan was definitely to get married, I was completely shocked when Zach proposed. I had no idea that he had been working on getting a ring, so I figured he wasn’t planning to propose until later in the year. In fact, I told him three days earlier that I didn’t think it was happening this summer. Little did I know that he already had everything planned and that the ring was in the house! When Zach first gave me flowers, I thought he was just being sweet. I immediately went to put them in water instead of staying put like Zach wanted. He kept telling me to sit back down, which five minutes later, I finally did. I loved that it was just the two of us at our house. We got to enjoy the moment and not have to worry about an audience. Zach planned a trip for us that was also super special because I had wanted to go on a weekend getaway all summer and never got around to it. It was the perfect way to savor the moment!

Zach shares, “The simplest thing I can say about Sarah is that she makes me content. I now understand what it means when someone is your “rock.” Sarah provides balance and creates certainty that gives me confidence in so many other areas of life. I’m unbelievably lucky to have someone that not only supports my goals, but has equally impressive ambitions of her own. Whether it’s personality, interests, or emotions, we just balance each other really well. I’m excited to see what challenges we get to tackle next, because I know that together we’re capable of handling anything life throws our way.”

Sarah shares, “What I love most about Zach is how steady he is. When COVID hit, my job became very tough, and Zach was incredibly supportive. I am definitely the more emotional one, and he always knows exactly what to say and do to put things in perspective. We have a true partnership in that we understand that there are times in life when one person has to do more than 50%. I love that we have a vision of what we want our lives to be together and are actively working towards making it a reality. I can’t wait to marry Zach and see what comes next!”

Sarah and Zach will be married next summer. Happy engagement, you two!

Special thanks to Blue Linden Weddings.


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Elle and Sheldon love Colorado. They traveled from Texas for their wedding and I met them at Lookout Mountain to celebrate their engagement. Their laughs were infectious and their love was palpable.

I had so much fun with you guys!

Elle shares, “We met on a dating app! It was that good ole TINDER, love and care! Our first date was actually at one of the most amazing places ever….Chick-fil-A! Who would have thought we were a chicken sandwich away from falling in love?”

She continues, “Sheldon planned the most AMAZING proposal EVER! He planned a trip to Cali for us in the spring of 2018. We had anticipated our trip for months! He told me he planned a romantic date night and picked out a red dress for me to wear (I never wear red). It was around 7 or 8pm and we headed to downtown LA for our dinner date. We finally make it downtown, and I said, “WOW, the Intercontinental building, can you imagine if we went there?” Sheldon smiled and said, “I can imagine it.” Seconds later we pulled into the Intercontinental parking garage! Talk about MAJOR butterflies; I couldn’t believe it! 

Of course, I had the BIGGEST smile on my face. We headed up to the 71st floor to a restaurant called La Boucherie! My jaw dropped; this place is FANCY! The host took us back to a private section where we wined and dined on lobster and other fancy stuff! I was shaking and just anticipating something crazy to happen (like being proposed to)…but NOTHING! Dinner ended and we left. I just knew he was going to propose after bringing me to a place like that but NOOOO! I was slightly bummed, but still on cloud 9. We drove off and he said we have one more stop!

We drove to the brightest place in downtown LA, “Urban Light.” I was walking around like a big kid amazed at all the lights and feeling grateful to be experiencing something new with my best friend. Sheldon asked if I wanted to take pictures and, of course, I did! I’m a woman! He suggested so many poses, and I was like oooookaaaaay yaaassss I love all of these ideas. Then he said, “take one from the back.” Of course, my response was, “oh yeah, you’d like that huh.” LOL 

I took my shots, turned around to check out my masterpiece, and there he was on one knee. People were applauding, and I noticed a photographer taking photos of everything; even my ugly cry! It was absolutely magical!”

lookout mountain engagement photography
lookout mountain, colorado

Congratulations Elle and Sheldon!


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As part of a special styled wedding shoot I took Hannah and Taylor downtown for some wedding portraits at Denver’s Union Station. 

I began my wedding photography business in Washington D.C. and N.Y.C. and it was so fun to be back in an urban setting. I love mountain weddings, but there is something special and electric about being in the city. 

Please see the full wedding photo shoot here, at SPACE Gallery.

Thank you so much to this wonderful team:
Venue: Space Gallery
Photographer: Jessica Schmitt Photography
Planner: A Bride’s Best Mate
Floral Design: Hutson Floral Design
Beauty: Skin Work Studio
Dress: Vow’d Weddings
Cake: Sweet Ride Bakeshop
Stationery: Chirps and Cricket
Rentals: Allwell Rents Denver
Bride: Hannah
Groom: Taylor


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Lauren and Cyrus love Aspen and particularly the Grottos Trail. I was so excited to meet them there because it was my first time visiting Aspen, and it certainly won’t be my last!

Grottos Trail is in White River National Forest near Independence Pass (one of the craziest roads I’ve ever driven on!). As you drive through the mountains you see forests full of Aspen trees. When my husband and I pulled to the side of the road to take in the view before the photo session, we could hear the rushing river. In the forest, trails take you through the woods, over a bridge and to the large rock formations with cascading waterfalls. It is so beautiful.

The Grottos were formed by rushing water from the Roaring Fork River that slows down to a gentle stream where Cyrus actually carried Lauren into the water! 

Lauren shares, “I have always told Cyrus that our life together is a big book with colorful and beautiful pages. We frequently use our book analogy for chapters of our life together, here is a peek inside:

Chapter 1, You can fall in love in the club          

In September 2013, I traveled to Dallas, Texas, from Norman, Oklahoma, to celebrate a good friend’s birthday. We decided that we wanted to go dancing, and I had never experienced a dance club, so we went to Avenu—a local dance club. Cyrus, living in Dallas and working for his family company, was in for just another fun night out with some of his closest friends. Within just a few minutes after walking through the doors I saw a tall, dark and handsome man walking toward me. We danced the night away and exchanged numbers, but both thought that we may never have the chance to meet again as we lived in different states. Cyrus always recalls the story of the following day after we met. He says that he remembers taking a long drive and reflecting that he now had a crush, a feeling that he had not felt since high school. Really, the rest is history and I still joke to this day that “all Avenu’s led me to Cyrus.”

Chapter 5, Dallas

On our very first date, Cyrus naturally wanted me to really like visiting Dallas. I would always wonder why we would take one specific beautiful road that seemed to lead us everywhere. Little did I know Cyrus would strategically take us on that road (even in the wrong direction at times) to see the prettiest pocket of Dallas each time. Speaking of Dallas, we cannot go without mentioning State Thomas neighborhood, it has always been a gem to us in the hustle of Uptown. It’s brick-lined streets and neighborhood feel gave it just the right amount of charm to stake claim on a townhome. Our love of walking to our favorite coffee shop, park and, last but not least, sushi restaurant is what connects us together frequently throughout our week. State Thomas is where we have truly made our house a home, filled with themed parties, family and many sweet memories.

Chapter 10, Travels

We both feel very fortunate to have had the opportunity to travel the world together. In just 7 years we have traveled together to 14 states, 9 countries and counting! Of course, we have gathered a few favorite places over the years that have become special to us. I don’t think we get through many conversations of talking about our travels without mentioning our love for watching the sunrise over the ocean in Tulum, our time of lengthening our trip last minute to soak in and experience Mallorca, sleepless nights roaming the streets of NYC or canyoneering in Zion National Park. Both of us feel a distinct energy while traveling that has us hooked on always planning the next adventure together.

Chapter 20, Aspen

Aspen has quickly become one of our favorite destinations. After our first trip there together, Cyrus thought “this is the spot” to propose. One morning in September we both hopped in the car to drive to hike our favorite spot, the Grottos Trail. We packed up a little bag and headed up to the Grottos. As soon as we arrived, we set up our spot with a blanket to enjoy the sunny summer day. Cyrus quickly told me that he needed to show me something… We both walked over to a tree-filled area where he then handed me his iPad, making me thoroughly confused. Then, he proceeded to press play on a video he had put together of pictures throughout our 6-year relationship while reading me commentary alongside of it. At the end, I got to look over and see Cyrus down on one knee saying, “will you marry me?” He got the immediate answer of “yes!!!” We celebrated this special moment by “taking the plunge” into the freezing cold water of the river that runs through the Grottos. Now Aspen is forever special to the two of us!

Chapter 21, Let’s Get Married!”

Lauren and Cyrus, thank you for sharing one of your favorite places with me. 

Congratulations, you two!


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SPACE Gallery is an art gallery and premiere event venue located in the Santa Fe Arts District of Denver, Colorado–the perfect place for a modern bride and groom.

Alison Amy of A Bride’s Best Mate, Chuck Hutson of Hutson Floral Design and I dreamed up this art gallery wedding inspiration. We were inspired by the space, the artwork and a chic city style with pops of color. Along with the creative talents of Chirp’s and Cricket Paper Design, Sweet Ride Bakeshop, Vow’d Wedding Dress, Skin Works Studio and Allwell Rents, the style came together so beautifully.  

Special thanks to SPACE Gallery and the artists currently on exhibit: Rebecca Rutstein, Ramón Bonilla, Frank T. Martinez and Joshua Enck. A big thank you also goes to our couple, recently married Hannah and Taylor. Congratulations on your wedding this past summer!

I have loved visiting art galleries since I was a little girl going to the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. with my mom. It was such a joy to shoot in this beautiful gallery filled with interesting pieces.

It was pretty amazing to see how Chuck pulled the colors out of the artwork to create this gorgeous bouquet.

More photos of this couple and a trip to downtown Denver and Union Station coming soon!

Thank you so much to this wonderful team:
Venue: Space Gallery
Photographer: Jessica Schmitt Photography
Planner: A Bride’s Best Mate
Floral Design: Hutson Floral Design
Beauty: Skin Work Studio
Dress: Vow’d Weddings
Cake: Sweet Ride Bakeshop
Stationery: Chirps and Cricket
Rentals: Allwell Rents Denver
Bride: Hannah
Groom: Taylor


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