Megan and Jeremy just moved into a beautiful house near Barr Lake State Park. A trail circles the lake and includes scenic views of the mountains, wildlife, a small beach, and bridges, which have special meaning to Megan, because she is from Pittsburgh, a town full of beautiful bridges.

colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
engagement photography

Megan shares, “Jeremy and I met in early 2015. He was new to Colorado and had just started dating an upstairs neighbor in my apartment complex. I stole him away almost immediately, and we were inseparable as of late April. We went on our first adventure together Memorial Day weekend – camping at Colorado National Monument on the west side of the state near Grand Junction. The weather was beautiful when we left, but then it rained… and hailed, and rained some more, but we didn’t let that dampen our fun. When we were driving back to Denver at the end of the weekend, Jeremy beat me to it and said, “I love you” first. We drove through some snow flurries near Georgetown, and then proceeded to see three rainbows before getting back home. One of the best weekends ever!

Since then Jeremy and I have continued to grow both individually and as a couple, loving and supporting each other through the good and the bad, every step of the way. Never have I been more in tune with another human being in my life, let alone one that I love so deeply and unconditionally. I absolutely cannot wait for our special day – we are finally going to tie the knot at Chief Hosa Lodge in Golden, CO on September 14!”

colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
colorado engagement photography
wedding ring photography
colorado sunflowers
colorado sunflowers engagement
colorado sunset mountains

Happy engagement Megan and Jeremy!

Location: Barr Lake State Park
Makeup: Beauty by Liz Liz Boyle
Yellow dress: Free People


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We welcomed our second child, a sweet baby boy, this June!

August Blair was born on June 14, 2019 at 4:33pm measuring seven pounds and five ounces, and twenty and a half inches and with lots of dark hair.

We affectionately call him Augie.

Ollie is excited to be a big brother! When he met Augie for the first time we had him swaddled up and Ollie said “My baby brother doesn’t have arms.” He gave us all a good laugh!

I love baby toes! And all that hair!

We are happy to be home, healthy and full of smiles and snuggles and adjusting to life as a family of four.

Thank you to everyone who has written us such wonderful comments! I was so touched to get so many nice messages from past brides and grooms I have worked with, along with all our amazing friends and family.

Check out more photos on instagram @PhotosbyJS and my personal account @OurAdventuresBigAndSmall.

Paper mobile by hushandhoney
Baby photo blanket by LULUJO

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Our little Colorado baby is here! Augie came into the world on June 14, 2019. He is a ray of sunshine and we are so happy that he has joined our family.


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Nicole and Nic love Denver and Wash Park. We had beautiful weather, took a walk around the pond and even had some fun with their dog!

washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography

Nicole shares, “Nic and I went on our first date in November 2016. He grew up in a small mountain town in Colorado, and I’m from Long Island and spent many years living and working in NYC. To say we are from different worlds is an understatement, but we meet in the middle here in Denver! When I was getting to know Nic, there were many moments that made me realize he was a wonderful person, but one in particular was when he dropped me off and picked me up at the airport for my trip back to NY for Christmas. Not knowing many people here in Denver, that really meant so much to me, and doubly so because he was really sick during both trips.

When we were first dating, I lived on the west side of Wash Park and he lived on the east side. I remember that we went for a nice walk through that park during one of our dates. I thought it would be a nice place to take pictures, especially with our dog Penny.”

washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography
washington park, Denver, engagement photography

Nicole shares, “We are so excited to be getting married in Denver on October 5th. We are really looking forward to celebrating with our family and friends. We will also be having a party in December out in New York so we can celebrate with my big fat Italian family!”

Congratulations Nicole and Nic!


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Megan and Brad love Colorado and the incredible landscape. We went to Red Rocks for views of the mountains, amazing rock formations and wild terrain. She shares, “I love Colorado because it has everything you would ever want! Four seasons, mountains, exciting night life, booming economy, and all the outdoor adventures your heart could want! Brad moved here from Iowa 12 years ago and I’m a 6 generation Colorado Native.”

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red rocks, colorado wedding photographer

The couple eloped one year ago and is celebrating a Colorado reception very soon. Megan shares, “We eloped to Catalina island in California!”

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denver colorado wedding photographer
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red rocks, denver colorado wedding photographer
red rocks, colorado wedding photographer
denver colorado wedding photographer
denver colorado wedding photographer
red rocks, colorado wedding photographer

Congratulations Megan and Brad!


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